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Short:Over 300 Amiga related press releases
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This file contains over 300 Press releases (texts) collected in the
Amiga Zone message base on Portal over the last five years, since
April, 1991 to present day.  They range from the announcement of the
A3000 Tower by Commodore, up to a long text posted by Jim Drew in Sept.
1996 and everything in between. Some of them were mailed directly to
me. Some of them I pulled off Usenet and other online sources.  Many of
them I typed in from literature I picked up at many trade shows.

They are in chronological order, numbered from 0000 to 0307. Each one's
filename will give you some clue as to what it is about.

It's my belief that the history of the Amiga and the products that
have swirled around it for years is important to maintain.  That's why
this message base sat on Portal with nothing removed from it since the
day it was created.  So folks can browse through these three hundred
texts and get a sense of what went on these last five years.

Not all of these press releases are purely about Amiga products, but
they all were in the p/r message base 'cuz I felt that Amiga owners
would be interested in them.

And now for something completely commercial:  The Portal System has
shut down after ten years of operation.  The Amiga Zone is moving to a
new host system: CalWeb Internet Services.  The official press release
about this follows below.  

A lot of you rant and rave :) on Usenet and elsewhere about lack of
Amiga support. Lack of dealers. Lack of magazines. Lack of companies
supporting you. Lack of user groups. Lack of everything.

Well, it's time to put your money where your mouth is!  

The Amiga Zone has supported Amiga owners, first on People/Link for
years, and following its shutdown, on Portal for the last five years. 
That's a full decade of non-stop, continuous, professional (and fun)
support online for Amiga owners.

It's fully my intention to keep it going in the new Amiga Zone on
CalWeb, which I will still continue to sysop.

But I cannot do it alone, and I cannot do it without you.

I've gotten a lot of very warm, and personal "thank yous" over the
years, and especially lately since Portal announced its shut-down.  I
appreciate every single one, and I've personally stopped in my frenzy
of moving a huge SIG from one service to another, to write back.

But folks, the reality of the situation is that I can't pay the rent
with thank you notes.  This is a full-time occupation for me so I need
your support more than ever.  The press release below explains how.

If you want to make a highly positive and visible impact on the Amiga
"situation", and if you want to support a resource that has supported
you for the last ten years, please read my press release below, and
then please pick up your phone and dial CalWeb and sign up. 

Best Regards,
Harv Laser
harv at
2 October, 1996

Sept. 20, 1996



For over ten years the Amiga Zone has been an online resource, home,
community, oasis, for Amiga owners.

For over ten years I've made my living running the Zone and supporting
Amiga users all over the USA, Canada, and the world. 

Five years ago when American People/Link pulled their own plug, we had
to find the Zone a new home and we found a good one on the Portal

Well, it's happened again.. Portal has informed all of its customers
that its ten year history as an online service and Internet provider is
coming to an end on Sept. 30, 1996.  This is very sad, it's
short-notice, and the decision is completely out of my control, but
it's also irreversible.  

Portal is changing its entire business plan from being an ISP to
selling a business accounting system to other online services.  

So be it. It's sad, but like I said, the Zone went through this before
and now we'll go through it again, and come out the other side better
and wiser.


CalWeb ( is a two year old Internet provider
located in Sacramento, CA.  It has a good sized customer base, and very
knowledgeable support staff. 

It's also run by a long time Amiga owner who has been a friend of mine
for many years.

The world of modeming has changed much in the last ten years. In 1985
you had very few choices and you had 1200 baud. These days, everyone
and his dog has an ISP running and a web page

But the vast majority of providers don't know an Amiga from a hole in
the ground, and could care less about Amiga owners.

CalWeb is different because it's the new home of the Amiga Zone.

In October 1996, a new custom front-end menued system will be added to
CalWeb to host the Zone. It'll have features for Zone users that
neither Plink nor Portal ever had nor were they willing to add.

The tradition of a friendly online Amiga community, run by long time
Amiga owners, users and lovers will continue.  Message bases, huge file
libraries (we are moving over the 20,000+ files we have on the Zone on
Portal to CalWeb, MANY of which you'll never see on Aminet or anywhere
else), live nightly chats, vendor support and our famous prize contests
will continue.

We've given away tens of thousands of dollars worth of Amiga prizes in
the last ten years. No one else even comes close.  

I urge any and all of you who were on Plink, or who are now on Portal
or who may have left Portal.. or even if you were never on either but
used or still use another online service to join CalWeb for the Amiga
Zone.  I personally promise you the best online Amiga community we can
possibly build.  You will not be disappointed.


CalWeb has arranged a special signup offer for you!

Call 1.800.509.9322
  or 1.916.641.9320 
  or telnet to, login as "guest", and follow the prompts. 

You can join CalWeb for US$19.95 flat, a month.  

CalWeb takes major credit cards or you can establish a monthly invoiced
account if you don't have plastic.

The signup is FREE.

To get this deal you must say "THE AMIGA ZONE SENT ME" when you call or
signup online. 


I hope to see lots of you join CalWeb.  You can telnet into it from
anywhere for no hourly charges at all. Your $19.95/mo fee covers
everything and also gets you ten meg of storage which includes hosting
your own personal web page.  Naturally, when the Zone opens there,
you'll have unlimited use of all of its features and areas. Never a
"money meter" clock to worry about.

Your personal or business CalWeb Web pages are maintained by you via
FTP.  It's pretty slick.  You can make a net connection to the server
with any Amiga FTP client, put your files onto it, the permissions are
automatically set (no "chmod-ing" required!) and flip to your running
browser and see the changes instantly.

The Amiga Zone's new home page is already up at:


running on CalWeb's server.  Check it out!

Please feel free to write to me at harv at if you want more

Remember to say "THE AMIGA ZONE SENT ME!" when you join.

A splendid time is guaranteed for all.  

Please plan to join us in the Amiga Zone on CalWeb!

Harv Laser
harv at

Contents of docs/misc/300pr.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3254    7141  45.6% -lh5- 0ced Mar  1  1993 0000-readme.first
[generic]                  637    1188  53.6% -lh5- 7ded Mar  2  1993 0000-zonemsgbase.txt
[generic]                 1459    2886  50.6% -lh5- 801e Mar  2  1993 0001-a3000.txt
[generic]                 1641    3402  48.2% -lh5- 202d Mar  2  1993 0002-adpro.txt
[generic]                 1106    2195  50.4% -lh5- 331d Mar  2  1993 0003-cbm-mitsui.txt
[generic]                 1172    2359  49.7% -lh5- e234 Mar  2  1993 0004-2.0.txt
[generic]                 4736   12676  37.4% -lh5- 5cc7 Mar  2  1993 0005-golddisk.txt
[generic]                 2254    5117  44.0% -lh5- ab96 Mar  2  1993 0006-fishcd.txt
[generic]                  571     975  58.6% -lh5- f3ea Mar  2  1993 0007-cdtv.txt
[generic]                 1550    2769  56.0% -lh5- a05b Mar  2  1993 0008-toasterprice.txt
[generic]                 1257    2394  52.5% -lh5- 33cc Mar  2  1993 0009-cdtvprice.txt
[generic]                 2768    6104  45.3% -lh5- 3373 Mar  2  1993 0010-mydiary.txt
[generic]                 1122    2477  45.3% -lh5- 3834 Mar  2  1993 0011-qb5.0.txt
[generic]                 4038   10421  38.7% -lh5- efef Mar  2  1993 0012-rambrandt.txt
[generic]                  585    1128  51.9% -lh5- d4a6 Mar  2  1993 0013-cbm3million.txt
[generic]                  965    2621  36.8% -lh5- eb5e Mar  2  1993 0014-amiexpo92.txt
[generic]                 1861    3965  46.9% -lh5- 05a5 Mar  2  1993 0015-amigaunix.txt
[generic]                 1550    3553  43.6% -lh5- f4d7 Mar  2  1993 0016-cbmjob.txt
[generic]                 1354    2711  49.9% -lh5- 3228 Mar  2  1993 0017-imagemaster.txt
[generic]                 1400    2913  48.1% -lh5- ee1d Mar  2  1993 0018-imagemaster.txt
[generic]                 1161    2167  53.6% -lh5- 2454 Mar  2  1993 0020-crest.txt
[generic]                 1718    3316  51.8% -lh5- 68bc Mar  2  1993 0021-contest.txt
[generic]                 1127    2137  52.7% -lh5- 53d7 Mar  2  1993 0022-a600.txt
[generic]                  827    1387  59.6% -lh5- c531 Mar  2  1993 0023-troika.txt
[generic]                 1676    3314  50.6% -lh5- 75e5 Mar  2  1993 0024-golddisk.txt
[generic]                  908    1763  51.5% -lh5- f26a Mar  1  1993 0025-woa.txt
[generic]                  617    1090  56.6% -lh5- e85f Mar  1  1993 0026-dtv92.txt
[generic]                  539     981  54.9% -lh5- 2d21 Mar  1  1993 0026-rebate.txt
[generic]                 3212    7221  44.5% -lh5- 7374 Mar  1  1993 0028-emplant.txt
[generic]                  634    1138  55.7% -lh5- ca74 Mar  1  1993 0029-rebate.txt
[generic]                 1648    3581  46.0% -lh5- 1b56 Mar  1  1993 0030-merisel.txt
[generic]                  740    1227  60.3% -lh5- 328b Mar  1  1993 0031-pr.txt
[generic]                 2060    4329  47.6% -lh5- cc73 Mar  1  1993 0032-pdraw.txt
[generic]                 1071    1988  53.9% -lh5- 528c Mar  1  1993 0033-dennybook.txt
[generic]                 1195    2435  49.1% -lh5- dea6 Mar  1  1993 0034-campbell.txt
[generic]                 1016    1848  55.0% -lh5- ceb3 Mar  1  1993 0035-portal.txt
[generic]                 1554    3349  46.4% -lh5- 95b2 Mar  1  1993 0036-prices.txt
[generic]                 3604    8338  43.2% -lh5- 047f Mar  1  1993 0037-cbmresponds.txt
[generic]                 1601    3184  50.3% -lh5- 0de2 Mar  1  1993 0038-diropus.txt
[generic]                  408     775  52.6% -lh5- ec9f Mar  1  1993 0039-aworld.txt
[generic]                 2227    5006  44.5% -lh5- a05a Mar  1  1993 0040-cbm.txt
[generic]                  555     897  61.9% -lh5- ce84 Mar  1  1993 0041-maxis.txt
[generic]                 1331    2910  45.7% -lh5- 4598 Mar  1  1993 0042-cbmloss.txt
[generic]                  927    2284  40.6% -lh5- 9176 Mar  1  1993 0043-wocpasadena.txt
[generic]                  972    1866  52.1% -lh5- 984d Mar  1  1993 0044-dvmag.txt
[generic]                 1337    2815  47.5% -lh5- 3f07 Mar  1  1993 0045-roctec.txt
[generic]                 1685    4107  41.0% -lh5- c7dd Mar  1  1993 0046-fdpro.txt
[generic]                 1411    3050  46.3% -lh5- 5f8c Mar  1  1993 0047-prowrite.txt
[generic]                 1004    1857  54.1% -lh5- 7d72 Mar  1  1993 0048-amiback.txt
[generic]                 3586    8200  43.7% -lh5- 212f Mar  1  1993 0049-trexx.txt
[generic]                 2040    4448  45.9% -lh5- 5dd7 Mar  1  1993 0050-cbmnew.txt
[generic]                 1713    3424  50.0% -lh5- 9ca0 Mar  1  1993 0051-4000tech.txt
[generic]                 1584    3305  47.9% -lh5- d0e2 Mar  1  1993 0052-wb21.txt
[generic]                  873    1624  53.8% -lh5- 8353 Mar  1  1993 0053-a600.txt
[generic]                  925    1783  51.9% -lh5- 7282 Mar  1  1993 0054-a570.txt
[generic]                 1465    2743  53.4% -lh5- f1c0 Mar  1  1993 0055-avpro.txt
[generic]                 2084    4931  42.3% -lh5- db2e Mar  1  1993 0056-win4000.txt
[generic]                 4800   12306  39.0% -lh5- 1eea Mar  1  1993 0057-sasc.txt
[generic]                 1312    2902  45.2% -lh5- 338d Mar  1  1993 0058-acecon.txt
[generic]                 4066   12457  32.6% -lh5- d0b8 Mar  1  1993 0059-prolific.txt
[generic]                  780    1480  52.7% -lh5- 8fb1 Mar  1  1993 0060-3000price.txt
[generic]                 1052    1995  52.7% -lh5- 5ed0 Mar  1  1993 0061-atariclose.txt
[generic]                 2051    4554  45.0% -lh5- 9962 Mar  1  1993 0064-portal.txt
[generic]                 2513    5913  42.5% -lh5- 194a Mar  1  1993 0066-vortex.txt
[generic]                 4390   10178  43.1% -lh5- c45b Mar  1  1993 0067-cbmcomdex.txt
[generic]                 1500    3008  49.9% -lh5- 3b71 Mar  1  1993 0068-imagefx.txt
[generic]                 1028    2026  50.7% -lh5- c2c5 Mar  1  1993 0069-21.txt
[generic]                 2088    4275  48.8% -lh5- 27ce Mar  1  1993 0070-opus.txt
[generic]                  842    1480  56.9% -lh5- 4114 Mar  1  1993 0071-vektorstorm.txt
[generic]                 1181    2247  52.6% -lh5- 4fc2 Mar  1  1993 0072-turbo.txt
[generic]                  848    1736  48.8% -lh5- af03 Mar  1  1993 0073-gailw.txt
[generic]                  977    1898  51.5% -lh5- 941b Mar  1  1993 0074-impulse.txt
[generic]                 1643    3375  48.7% -lh5- dee5 Mar  1  1993 0075-1200.txt
[generic]                 1144    2367  48.3% -lh5- 86ac Mar  1  1993 0076-avpro.txt
[generic]                 1989    4325  46.0% -lh5- 53a7 Mar  1  1993 0077-cbmces.txt
[generic]                 1945    4092  47.5% -lh5- dc0d Mar  1  1993 0078-cbminfocomm.txt
[generic]                 2128    4219  50.4% -lh5- 6286 Mar  1  1993 0079-cbm.txt
[generic]                 1238    2402  51.5% -lh5- c011 Mar  1  1993 0080-imagefx.txt
[generic]                 1622    4131  39.3% -lh5- 15ef Mar  1  1993 0081-cbmslash.txt
[generic]                 1368    2870  47.7% -lh5- 4927 Mar  1  1993 0082-micromiga.txt
[generic]                  640    1144  55.9% -lh5- 1286 Mar  1  1993 0083-magazine.txt
[generic]                 1027    1928  53.3% -lh5- d490 Mar  1  1993 0084-magazine.txt
[generic]                  997    1943  51.3% -lh5- 61db Mar  1  1993 0085-magazine.txt
[generic]                 2551    6535  39.0% -lh5- b5fd Mar  1  1993 0086-printstudio.txt
[generic]                 1037    2028  51.1% -lh5- 555f Mar  1  1993 0087-nextout.txt
[generic]                 1706    3321  51.4% -lh5- eecb Mar  1  1993 0088-maxixout.txt
[generic]                 2310    5079  45.5% -lh5- 769c Mar  1  1993 0089-amiback.txt
[generic]                  201     280  71.8% -lh5- 1da9 Mar  1  1993 0090-writers.txt
[generic]                  359     610  58.9% -lh5- 6d83 Mar  1  1993 0091-1200.txt
[generic]                  903    1599  56.5% -lh5- b191 Mar  1  1993 0092-3do.txt
[generic]                  759    1771  42.9% -lh5- 839b Mar  1  1993 0093-wocny.txt
[generic]                 2105    4117  51.1% -lh5- 4d3f Mar  1  1993 0094-diskmaster.txt
[generic]                 1084    2214  49.0% -lh5- 3d69 Mar  1  1993 0095-4000.txt
[generic]                 1320    2828  46.7% -lh5- b4b4 Mar  1  1993 0096-powerup.txt
[generic]                 1838    3800  48.4% -lh5- e7b0 Mar  1  1993 0097-cbmnab.txt
[generic]                  941    1649  57.1% -lh5- 5eb6 Mar  1  1993 0098-newtek.txt
[generic]                 1453    3350  43.4% -lh5- 18d4 Mar  1  1993 0099-astralnet.txt
[generic]                 1509    3160  47.8% -lh5- dedf Mar  1  1993 0100-20004000.txt
[generic]                  956    1696  56.4% -lh5- ac8e Mar  1  1993 0101-argonaut.txt
[generic]                 1828    4148  44.1% -lh5- 6dd1 Mar  1  1993 0102-pegger.txt
[generic]                 3628    7648  47.4% -lh5- 7996 Mar  1  1993 0103-lha.txt
[generic]                 1598    3112  51.3% -lh5- 7fed Mar  1  1993 0104-imagefx.txt
[generic]                  967    1835  52.7% -lh5- b3f7 Mar  1  1993 0105-terranova.txt
[generic]                 1833    4346  42.2% -lh5- 5795 Mar  1  1993 0108-unbundlecbm.txt
[generic]                 1878    4100  45.8% -lh5- 733f Mar  1  1993 0109-2000pu.txt
[generic]                 2712    5501  49.3% -lh5- 4cc4 Mar  1  1993 0110-screamer.txt
[generic]                 3298    6801  48.5% -lh5- 956f Mar  1  1993 0111-sig93.txt
[generic]                  994    1718  57.9% -lh5- 9991 Mar  1  1993 0112-sinbad.txt
[generic]                 1011    2181  46.4% -lh5- a7aa Mar  1  1993 0113-softlogik.txt
[generic]                 5869   16336  35.9% -lh5- 45c4 Mar  1  1993 0114-spectrum.txt
[generic]                 4533   10572  42.9% -lh5- c259 Oct  1  1996 0115-mand2000.txt
[generic]                 3269    7106  46.0% -lh5- a832 Oct  1  1996 0116-woca93.txt
[generic]                 1544    3113  49.6% -lh5- d777 Oct  1  1996 0117-cygnused.txt
[generic]                 1060    1945  54.5% -lh5- 2709 Oct  1  1996 0118-cd32.txt
[generic]                  723    1288  56.1% -lh5- 1f99 Oct  1  1996 0119-typesmith.txt
[generic]                  800    1549  51.6% -lh5- 93b1 Oct  1  1996 0120-imagefx.txt
[generic]                  789    1346  58.6% -lh5- d012 Oct  1  1996 0121-cd32.txt
[generic]                 1505    3159  47.6% -lh5- 4c23 Oct  1  1996 0122-lightrave.txt
[generic]                 4330    9425  45.9% -lh5- 4bd1 Oct  1  1996 0125-aminet.txt
[generic]                 2335    5034  46.4% -lh5- 352a Oct  1  1996 0126-london.txt
[generic]                 2782    5858  47.5% -lh5- 136a Oct  1  1996 0127-virus.txt
[generic]                 1192    2433  49.0% -lh5- 14d4 Oct  1  1996 0128-newmag.txt
[generic]                 1238    2485  49.8% -lh5- 24ce Oct  1  1996 0130-magiclantern.txt
[generic]                 1695    3570  47.5% -lh5- a37a Oct  1  1996 0131-cbmhiring.txt
[generic]                  961    1844  52.1% -lh5- 3da1 Oct  1  1996 0132-cbmcanada.txt
[generic]                 9617   21410  44.9% -lh5- 4d41 Oct  1  1996 0133-ces93.txt
[generic]                 1642    3235  50.8% -lh5- 93ad Oct  1  1996 0134-cbmces.txt
[generic]                 1613    3566  45.2% -lh5- 8dbc Oct  1  1996 0135-cbmhiring.txt
[generic]                 3033    7675  39.5% -lh5- 657c Oct  1  1996 0137-pegger.txt
[generic]                 2462    5364  45.9% -lh5- 2f3b Oct  1  1996 0138-fishcd.txt
[generic]                 1023    2018  50.7% -lh5- 1758 Oct  1  1996 0139-sciamigan.txt
[generic]                  756    1418  53.3% -lh5- a362 Oct  1  1996 0140-csm.txt
[generic]                 3710    6780  54.7% -lh5- 17dd Oct  1  1996 0141-blazemonger.txt
[generic]                 2899    6087  47.6% -lh5- e766 Oct  1  1996 0142-csm.txt
[generic]                 1346    2700  49.9% -lh5- e049 Oct  1  1996 0143-cbmuk.txt
[generic]                 4117    9519  43.3% -lh5- 80ad Oct  1  1996 0144-fish.txt
[generic]                  829    1563  53.0% -lh5- 6590 Oct  1  1996 0145-cbmaus.txt
[generic]                 1440    2573  56.0% -lh5- 164f Oct  1  1996 0146-playinc.txt
[generic]                 3430    7054  48.6% -lh5- aa2c Oct  1  1996 0147-flyer.txt
[generic]                 1621    3132  51.8% -lh5- 5ee0 Oct  1  1996 0147a-screamer.txt
[generic]                 1517    3020  50.2% -lh5- 9cc9 Oct  1  1996 0148-compton.txt
[generic]                 1676    3426  48.9% -lh5- 8f77 Oct  1  1996 0149-cbmmoney.txt
[generic]                 1539    2992  51.4% -lh5- 8661 Oct  1  1996 0150-macdos.txt
[generic]                 1851    3664  50.5% -lh5- 3301 Oct  1  1996 0151-dice.txt
[generic]                 1233    2329  52.9% -lh5- 5648 Oct  1  1996 0152-cbmbad.txt
[generic]                 1827    3610  50.6% -lh5- a875 Oct  1  1996 0153-tshirt.txt
[generic]                  310     534  58.1% -lh5- 2012 Oct  1  1996 0154-30.txt
[generic]                 1802    3642  49.5% -lh5- e19d Oct  1  1996 0155-cbm.txt
[generic]                 1127    2266  49.7% -lh5- 7581 Oct  1  1996 0156-amigaworld.txt
[generic]                  166     220  75.5% -lh5- de96 Oct  1  1996 0157-typesmith.txt
[generic]                 3047    6726  45.3% -lh5- 7ad2 Oct  1  1996 0158-fishreport.txt
[generic]                 1642    3181  51.6% -lh5- 2ee5 Oct  1  1996 0159-newtek.txt
[generic]                 5067   11286  44.9% -lh5- b52a Oct  1  1996 0160-cbm.txt
[generic]                  266     390  68.2% -lh5- 7758 Oct  1  1996 0161-lw.txt
[generic]                 1024    1966  52.1% -lh5- 53c4 Oct  1  1996 0162-creative.txt
[generic]                 1559    3186  48.9% -lh5- 5abf Oct  1  1996 0163-sasc.txt
[generic]                 1743    3485  50.0% -lh5- e59c Oct  1  1996 0164-macrosystems.txt
[generic]                 2678    5724  46.8% -lh5- 223c Oct  1  1996 0165-cbmupdate.txt
[generic]                 1918    3769  50.9% -lh5- 7709 Oct  1  1996 0167-jayminer.txt
[generic]                 1302    2750  47.3% -lh5- f7d9 Oct  1  1996 0168-newtek.txt
[generic]                 1086    2200  49.4% -lh5- e8bd Oct  1  1996 0168a-newtek.txt
[generic]                  782    1468  53.3% -lh5- 8945 Oct  1  1996 0168b-newtek.txt
[generic]                 1193    2601  45.9% -lh5- b588 Oct  1  1996 0168c-newtek.txt
[generic]                  835    1790  46.6% -lh5- 4f33 Oct  1  1996 0169-surfacepro.txt
[generic]                  707    1383  51.1% -lh5- b8e3 Oct  1  1996 0170-roadsigns.txt
[generic]                 1008    2132  47.3% -lh5- 2a8f Oct  1  1996 0171-axiom.txt
[generic]                  759    1468  51.7% -lh5- b537 Oct  1  1996 0172-pixpro2.txt
[generic]                 1176    2114  55.6% -lh5- dfc6 Oct  1  1996 0173-audio.txt
[generic]                  235     330  71.2% -lh5- 68f8 Oct  1  1996 0174-asdgname.txt
[generic]                 2094    4536  46.2% -lh5- 74f0 Oct  1  1996 0175-computemag.txt
[generic]                  647    1138  56.9% -lh5- f3a2 Oct  1  1996 0176-bogus31.txt
[generic]                 2068    4079  50.7% -lh5- c29d Oct  1  1996 0176-jumpdiskends.txt
[generic]                 1120    2164  51.8% -lh5- 5c46 Oct  1  1996 0177-cbmaw.txt
[generic]                 1283    2683  47.8% -lh5- f7fb Oct  1  1996 0178-dcplay.txt
[generic]                 2743    5498  49.9% -lh5- b1ae Oct  1  1996 0179-larsonbook.txt
[generic]                 1949    4101  47.5% -lh5- 073e Oct  1  1996 0180-pegger.txt
[generic]                 2258    4579  49.3% -lh5- b1f0 Oct  1  1996 0181-lionkuntz.txt
[generic]                 2169    4183  51.9% -lh5- 4973 Oct  1  1996 0182-hut31.txt
[generic]                 2027    4485  45.2% -lh5- e20b Oct  1  1996 0183-bunnie.txt
[generic]                 1624    3039  53.4% -lh5- 5266 Oct  1  1996 0184-haynietape.txt
[generic]                 3422    8094  42.3% -lh5- 7b33 Oct  1  1996 0185-gatewayshow.txt
[generic]                 2236    4328  51.7% -lh5- 18c8 Oct  1  1996 0186-fishstyx.txt
[generic]                 1163    2109  55.1% -lh5- bb6f Oct  1  1996 0187-termite.txt
[generic]                 2425    5213  46.5% -lh5- e2dc Oct  1  1996 0188-imagefx2.txt
[generic]                 2425    5213  46.5% -lh5- e2dc Oct  1  1996 0189-imagefx2.txt
[generic]                  955    1677  56.9% -lh5- 59b8 Oct  1  1996 0189-motionclips.txt
[generic]                 2359    5039  46.8% -lh5- 8a44 Oct  1  1996 0190-pctask3.txt
[generic]                  771    1754  44.0% -lh5- c59a Oct  1  1996 0191-plantation.txt
[generic]                 1821    4396  41.4% -lh5- f295 Oct  1  1996 0192-lightrom.txt
[generic]                 1854    3656  50.7% -lh5- 2f77 Oct  1  1996 0193-vtuexpo.txt
[generic]                 2653    6471  41.0% -lh5- d5bf Oct  1  1996 0194-portal.txt
[generic]                 3286    8246  39.8% -lh5- 1534 Oct  1  1996 0195-customnet.txt
[generic]                 8292   19041  43.5% -lh5- 6af2 Oct  1  1996 0196-woalondon.txt
[generic]                 1971    3699  53.3% -lh5- 1d4b Oct  1  1996 0197-cbmtoxic.txt
[generic]                 3305    7622  43.4% -lh5- c48a Oct  1  1996 0198-netstats.txt
[generic]                 6221   14294  43.5% -lh5- e2cc Oct  1  1996 0199-fishreport.txt
[generic]                  995    1734  57.4% -lh5- c1a8 Oct  1  1996 0200-envoy.txt
[generic]                 1592    3056  52.1% -lh5- 295e Oct  1  1996 0201-spammers.txt
[generic]                  774    1237  62.6% -lh5- 64d7 Oct  1  1996 0202-bundle.txt
[generic]                 1455    2928  49.7% -lh5- 5562 Oct  1  1996 0203-scala.txt
[generic]                 1903    3852  49.4% -lh5- d7b1 Oct  1  1996 0204-amigadget.txt
[generic]                 1253    2527  49.6% -lh5- 3cd2 Oct  1  1996 0205-awend.txt
[generic]                 1229    2443  50.3% -lh5- caf8 Oct  1  1996 0206-newhorizons.txt
[generic]                 1271    2395  53.1% -lh5- ab06 Oct  1  1996 0207-avider.txt
[generic]                 2544    5158  49.3% -lh5- dd2b Oct  1  1996 0208-trinity.txt
[generic]                 2680    5744  46.7% -lh5- b88b Oct  1  1996 0209-flyer.txt
[generic]                 2460    4784  51.4% -lh5- 6615 Oct  1  1996 0209a-flyer.txt
[generic]                 1088    1884  57.7% -lh5- 7d0b Oct  1  1996 0210-opus.txt
[generic]                 1088    1884  57.7% -lh5- 7d0b Oct  1  1996 0210a-opus.txt
[generic]                 2357    4548  51.8% -lh5- 95e5 Oct  1  1996 0211-iamsale.txt
[generic]                 7156   17043  42.0% -lh5- fdc7 Oct  1  1996 0212-fishcatalog.txt
[generic]                 4580   10438  43.9% -lh5- 781d Oct  1  1996 0213-atpress.txt
[generic]                 2997    7196  41.6% -lh5- 822f Oct  1  1996 0214-ac95.txt
[generic]                 4737   13907  34.1% -lh5- 5d73 Oct  1  1996 0215-interworks.txt
[generic]                 1164    2336  49.8% -lh5- d6e3 Oct  1  1996 0217-atdev.txt
[generic]                 1676    3154  53.1% -lh5- b7cc Oct  1  1996 0218-atdist.txt
[generic]                 1038    2149  48.3% -lh5- fef4 Oct  1  1996 0219-atfaire.txt
[generic]                 2600    6832  38.1% -lh5- bfe6 Oct  1  1996 0220-atpr.txt
[generic]                  872    1680  51.9% -lh5- 135c Oct  1  1996 0221-dopuschat.txt
[generic]                 8892   21713  41.0% -lh5- 2d48 Oct  1  1996 0222-atlondon.txt
[generic]                 1330    2837  46.9% -lh5- 38db Oct  1  1996 0223-newtek.txt
[generic]                 1893    4058  46.6% -lh5- 17f3 Oct  1  1996 0224-amigalink.txt
[generic]                 1659    3167  52.4% -lh5- 7b7c Oct  1  1996 0225-sassenrath.txt
[generic]                  885    1731  51.1% -lh5- 21b4 Oct  1  1996 0226-cygnused.txt
[generic]                 1554    3051  50.9% -lh5- 0057 Oct  1  1996 0227-mand2000cd.txt
[generic]                 2892    6773  42.7% -lh5- cc69 Oct  1  1996 0228-softlogik.txt
[generic]                 2697    5549  48.6% -lh5- 53c4 Oct  1  1996 0229-atitaly.txt
[generic]                  232     319  72.7% -lh5- 8a7b Oct  1  1996 0230-vtuexpo.txt
[generic]                 1088    2291  47.5% -lh5- 5d74 Oct  1  1996 0231-atvtu.txt
[generic]                 2872    6046  47.5% -lh5- ca73 Oct  1  1996 0232-vtuexpo.txt
[generic]                 1979    4261  46.4% -lh5- cadd Oct  1  1996 0233-lightrom.txt
[generic]                 1287    2315  55.6% -lh5- c2af Oct  1  1996 0234-a1200sells.txt
[generic]                  854    1476  57.9% -lh5- d84b Oct  1  1996 0235-ppage.txt
[generic]                 1206    2546  47.4% -lh5- e446 Oct  1  1996 0236-smg.txt
[generic]                 1510    2793  54.1% -lh5- 25fc Oct  1  1996 0237-megaball4.txt
[generic]                 1832    3804  48.2% -lh5- ca49 Oct  1  1996 0238-poweramiga.txt
[generic]                 4062    7959  51.0% -lh5- 78de Oct  1  1996 0239-cologne.txt
[generic]                  679    1486  45.7% -lh5- 29a7 Oct  1  1996 0240-woa.txt
[generic]                  727    1520  47.8% -lh5- ba49 Oct  1  1996 0241-bandit.txt
[generic]                  722    1195  60.4% -lh5- a0bd Oct  1  1996 0242-a4000.txt
[generic]                 3052    6617  46.1% -lh5- 27c0 Oct  1  1996 0243-wonder.txt
[generic]                 1496    2775  53.9% -lh5- 0a65 Oct  1  1996 0244-amuse.txt
[generic]                 1772    3895  45.5% -lh5- 949e Oct  1  1996 0245-escomweb.txt
[generic]                 1319    2624  50.3% -lh5- 18f7 Oct  1  1996 0246-surfer.txt
[generic]                 1823    3935  46.3% -lh5- c8f1 Oct  1  1996 0247-envoy.txt
[generic]                 2139    4597  46.5% -lh5- 9bf1 Oct  1  1996 0248-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1705    3386  50.4% -lh5- 3b70 Oct  1  1996 0249-surfer.txt
[generic]                 2812    6165  45.6% -lh5- 8f4a Oct  1  1996 0250-wonder.txt
[generic]                 1683    3356  50.1% -lh5- 6e4e Oct  1  1996 0251-cebit.txt
[generic]                 2679    5339  50.2% -lh5- d559 Oct  1  1996 0252-eworld.txt
[generic]                 1327    2553  52.0% -lh5- 14d4 Oct  1  1996 0253-escom.txt
[generic]                 5935   15696  37.8% -lh5- 1625 Oct  1  1996 0254-dealerlist.txt
[generic]                 6142   16248  37.8% -lh5- 722f Oct  1  1996 0254a-dealerlist.txt
[generic]                  971    1878  51.7% -lh5- 844a Oct  1  1996 0255-whitepages.txt
[generic]                 3348    6561  51.0% -lh5- faca Oct  1  1996 0256-wsj.txt
[generic]                  870    1549  56.2% -lh5- 9d8c Oct  1  1996 0257-escom.txt
[generic]                  998    1871  53.3% -lh5- e137 Oct  1  1996 0258-nova.txt
[generic]                 2008    4366  46.0% -lh5- d2e4 Oct  1  1996 0259-wonderintl.txt
[generic]                 3090    6499  47.5% -lh5- 43dd Oct  1  1996 0260-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1492    2942  50.7% -lh5- 80ec Oct  1  1996 0260a.viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1052    1908  55.1% -lh5- b180 Oct  1  1996 0260b-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 2602    5651  46.0% -lh5- cea9 Oct  1  1996 0261-miami.txt
[generic]                 1299    2702  48.1% -lh5- b62b Oct  1  1996 0262-teamamiga.txt
[generic]                 2338    4830  48.4% -lh5- 3eaf Oct  1  1996 0263-petrot.txt
[generic]                 1208    2357  51.3% -lh5- 2522 Oct  1  1996 0264-vis.txt
[generic]                 1002    2014  49.8% -lh5- 2cb7 Oct  1  1996 0265-visdev.txt
[generic]                 6835   16900  40.4% -lh5- 8b8c Oct  1  1996 0266-visstock.txt
[generic]                 4621    9706  47.6% -lh5- df37 Oct  1  1996 0267-smg.txt
[generic]                 5186   11987  43.3% -lh5- c82c Oct  1  1996 0267a-smg.txt
[generic]                 1288    2771  46.5% -lh5- 291f Oct  1  1996 0268-novadesign.txt
[generic]                 1810    3615  50.1% -lh5- e2c2 Oct  1  1996 0269-imagefx26.txt
[generic]                 1492    2942  50.7% -lh5- 80ec Oct  1  1996 0269a-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1540    3250  47.4% -lh5- fe30 Oct  1  1996 0270-viscorp.txt
[generic]                  962    1813  53.1% -lh5- 0ec9 Oct  1  1996 0271-eagle.txt
[generic]                 7421   18338  40.5% -lh5- 9899 Oct  1  1996 0272-phase5.txt
[generic]                 2686    5830  46.1% -lh5- 0fea Oct  1  1996 0273-pios.txt
[generic]                 4970   12069  41.2% -lh5- b2c0 Oct  1  1996 0274-visfrance.txt
[generic]                 3389    6663  50.9% -lh5- f204 Oct  1  1996 0274a-visfrance.txt
[generic]                 1419    2971  47.8% -lh5- 3cfd Oct  1  1996 0275-mfamg.txt
[generic]                 2267    5075  44.7% -lh5- d8b8 Oct  1  1996 0276-wonder.txt
[generic]                 6498   14740  44.1% -lh5- 92c1 Oct  1  1996 0277-wonder.txt
[generic]                 2868    6214  46.2% -lh5- 582f Oct  1  1996 0278-visfrance.txt
[generic]                 2400    5071  47.3% -lh5- d200 Oct  1  1996 0279-aweb.txt
[generic]                 1962    3819  51.4% -lh5- c1e4 Oct  1  1996 0280-iam.txt
[generic]                 2873    5785  49.7% -lh5- 369f Oct  1  1996 0281-mrbackup.txt
[generic]                 1674    3440  48.7% -lh5- 217d Oct  1  1996 0282-viscorp.txt
[generic]                  677    1153  58.7% -lh5- 15c1 Oct  1  1996 0283-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1022    1884  54.2% -lh5- 6a80 Oct  1  1996 0284-visbuy.txt
[generic]                 1022    1884  54.2% -lh5- 6a80 Oct  1  1996 0284-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1165    2091  55.7% -lh5- 9aac Oct  1  1996 0285-escom.txt
[generic]                 3567   12051  29.6% -lh5- d4eb Oct  1  1996 0286-nan.txt
[generic]                 3567   12051  29.6% -lh5- d4eb Oct  1  1996 0286-nancatalog.txt
[generic]                  801    1401  57.2% -lh5- 0f1c Oct  1  1996 0287-olympics.txt
[generic]                 6498   14740  44.1% -lh5- 92c1 Oct  1  1996 0287-wonder.txt
[generic]                  732    1272  57.5% -lh5- 866c Oct  1  1996 0288-amigatech.txt
[generic]                 1438    3276  43.9% -lh5- 66d4 Oct  1  1996 0289-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1209    2465  49.0% -lh5- 02f1 Oct  1  1996 0290-mf.txt
[generic]                 2533    5277  48.0% -lh5- 2539 Oct  1  1996 0291-opus.txt
[generic]                 8591   20726  41.5% -lh5- 8fe2 Oct  1  1996 0292-montreal.txt
[generic]                 2102    4334  48.5% -lh5- 97a5 Oct  1  1996 0293-a1200.txt
[generic]                 5491   11777  46.6% -lh5- ca92 Oct  1  1996 0294-eetimes.txt
[generic]                 1570    2911  53.9% -lh5- ebfd Oct  1  1996 0296-vis.txt
[generic]                 1182    2337  50.6% -lh5- 7c8e Oct  1  1996 0296-vislogo.txt
[generic]                  698    1356  51.5% -lh5- ad84 Oct  1  1996 0297-pios.txt
[generic]                 1099    2176  50.5% -lh5- 872e Oct  1  1996 0297a-pios.txt
[generic]                 1075    2044  52.6% -lh5- d299 Oct  1  1996 0298-gpsoft.txt
[generic]                  380     709  53.6% -lh5- 09ae Oct  1  1996 0299-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1836    3346  54.9% -lh5- 83bc Oct  1  1996 0299a-viscorp.txt
[generic]                 1526    3348  45.6% -lh5- 9567 Oct  1  1996 0300-awebII.txt
[generic]                10175   23648  43.0% -lh5- daaa Oct  1  1996 0301-jimdrew.txt
[generic]                 2185    4567  47.8% -lh5- b5c1 Oct  1  1996 0308-zonemoves.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       311 files  627467 1366573  45.9%            Oct  4  1996

Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminetaminet net>