LISTNAME - name of the list to add all sizes in
SIZECOL - column with the size specifier ("K", "M" or "?")
SIZECOL is optional, and defaults to column 34.
1016 bytes! Still below 2 disk blocks!
An Amiga, stack can be as low as 1600 bytes (the
program uses only 950 bytes of it, but the system
can't set the stack to a lower value than 1600).
At least 15K mem is required for proper operation.
An Aminet index file (tested with RECENT and INDEX)
or any other file in the same format ("K", "M" or "?"
at column 36, size in columns 32-35, formatted as KKKK
or M.M). ^^- Now selectable!!!
Memory usage:
Two modes of operation, depending on the amount of
available memory. Loads the whole index into memory
if possible.
Both modes:
13464 bytes to display the requester at end
Fast mode: (index size + stack + 1780 bytes)
+ 1600 bytes for the minimum stack (normally 4k)
+ 1852 bytes for the program and its data
+ a free mem block of at least the size of the index
Slow mode: (stack + 1976 bytes)
+ 1600 bytes for the minimum stack (normally 4k)
+ 2048 bytes for the program and its data
1.4 - Added support for files up to 999M in size. Previous
versions didn't support the size format xxM. Now the
following size formats are supported:
kkkkK 1234K (not used by Aminet)
kkkK 123K, 12K, 3K
0.kM 0.9M (not used by Aminet)
m.kM 1.2M
mm.kM 75.2M (not used by Aminet)
mmmM 123M (not used by Aminet - Yet)
mmM 12M
mM 1M (not used by Aminet)
Inverted history :-). Size 1016 bytes.
1.3 - Changed default size column to 34. Released 13-Feb-96.
Size 996 bytes.
1.2 - Low mem bug fix, added command line option, doesn't
count lines beginning with '|'. Released 22-Jun-95.
A new argument that allows you to specify at which
column the size specifier is located.
Size 1016 bytes.
1.1 - Rewritten in assembly language (800 times faster).
Added version string. Released 15-Jun-95. Size:
936 bytes :-).
1.0 - Coded in ARexx, SLOW! Released 13-Jun-95. Size 3064
bytes :-(.
Bugs: Doesn't support Aminet files larger than 99.9M (Aminet
index file contains space for files up to 9.9M).
Total size must be smaller than 429496729.5K (around
419430M or 409G). This is smaller than the limit for
the previously released ARexx version. When Aminet is
close this size, I will remove this limit (and decrease
the precision of the calculations).
No more than 4294967295 files can be added to the total
size (Aminet is now about 17300 files). When Aminet is
growing towards this limit (in about 90000 years or so),
I will fix this bug.
Tested with the Index file (30-May-95, 1175420 bytes,
16508 lines). See notes for each test below.
| Version | Files | Size in K | Size in M | Time | Lines/s |
| ARexx | 16499 | 2551349.2 | 2491.5 | 1610s| 10.2 | ¹)
| Asm (F) | 16499 | 2541109.4 | 2481.5 | 2.00s| 8249.5 | ²)
| Asm (S) | 16499 | 2541109.4 | 2481.5 |15.08s| 1094.1 | ³)
| Asm (F) | 16499 | 2541109.4 | 2481.5 |19.34s| 853.1 | 68000
| Asm (S) | 16499 | 2541109.4 | 2481.5 |116.5s| 141.6 | 68000
¹) The ARexx version was tested using Edge v1.704. The window
with the file was as small as possible, all programs that
could use up some CPU time was disabled (screenblankers etc.)
The timing was done with a stop watch.
²) Asm (F) means that there was enough memory to buffer the
whole file. Timing done using my own hardware-banging timer
(not released - yet). The timer's precision is around 1/50s.
³) Asm (S) means SIMULATED low mem situation. The program will
probably be slower in a real low mem situation. The program
reads the file line by line when you're almost out of mem.
** All tests done with an A500+, VXL-030 33MHz/FPU 25MHz, 2M CHIP,
8M 16-bit mem, and 8M 32-bit mem (around 10.5 * A500).
( 30-May-95: ( 30-Jun-95:
Files: 16499 Files: 16621
Size: 2541109.4K Size: 2543478.2K
Size: 2481.5M Size: 2483.8M
( 05-Jan-96: ( 07-Feb-96:
Files: 24692 Files: 25497
Size: 3915876.0K Size: 4163246.4K
Size: 3824.0M Size: 4065.6M
All kinds of freely distributable programs (new software...) are accepted
as a contribution for this program. If you are a programmer, send me some
of your own code.
Contributions and bug reports for this program should be sent to:
Snail Mail: Per-Olof Yliniemi
Box 78
S-980 61 Tärendö