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Short:Memory Log Tool, to Screen & Disk
Author:lifeschool22 at (Dan Waddington)
Uploader:lifeschool22 gmail com (Dan Waddington)
Architecture:m68k-amigaos >= 3.0
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Amiga Memory Log Tool made with CanDo V3. Have you ever needed to know how
much memory something is consuming? Maybe a game or a memory hungry app?
Perhaps you made your own game, and want to know how much system
requirements are needed. This tool is a printed text log of your Amiga
memory, either manually operated or fully automatic. The results are
printed on the screen, and also in a text file stored in S:.


    Any Amiga with Kickstart 3.0+  (does NOT work with KS2 roms).
    Workbench 3.0+ operating system, PAL or NTSC.
    Any spare memory (uses 100k).
    Any CPU.
    Any free disk space. 


1. RUNTIME PACKAGE - Just copy the Consumer folder and icon from inside the
Runtime directory to your Amiga and it should run using the launcher. This
version of the app is larger, but does not need CanDo.library, and runs in
it's own folder. i.e. a larger system footprint. (Note, you still need the
Delete command in C:).

2. COMMAND PACKAGE - This one needs installation. Copy the Font in the
Fonts folder to your Workbench Fonts: drawer. Then copy the library in
Libs: to your Libs: folder. Now copy the command in C to your C: drawer.
The app is now a small command, and will run from C: as long as you have
the CanDo.library and the font installed. i.e. a smaller system footprint.
(Note: you also need the Delete command in C:).

Using the App
Consumer Log Basics

When Consumer is launched, it will create a Log file in S: called
ConsumerLog.txt. This will be created from scratch each time the app is
launched, and any data generated while the app is running will be appended
to the current open Log. If your machine crashes or locks up, reset the
Amiga, and check the Log in S: before you load this app up again.
Otherwise, your previous log will be over-written. The Log is also printed
on the screen as you use the tool.

The log will show the current system time, the current chip ram available /
consumed / unloaded, and the same with Fast ram too. The disk log also
contains the current date.

Start and Stop Buttons

- Start will allow the app to register your current memory usage into the
Log. If you have '0' (zero) as your polling option, the Log will
automatically stop after each entry. Press Start once for each new log

- Stop button - Used during Poll mode only. Press this button once, and
wait for the auto-logger to finish. Depending on your Poll time, this could
be a while, but eventually the tool will stop the auto logger, and will
print a message saying so. The Stop button will then automatically deselect
itself when this happens.

Show Free and Ignore WB Switches

- Show Free Memory - allows the user to display the current total free
memory of the Amiga.

- Ignore Workbench Memory - allows the user to reset the memory usage to
zero. Any changes to the memory will then be registered as '+' or '-'
numbers, based on the zeroised number you created. e.g. if you loaded up an
app which used 500k of memory, consumer will show that 500K is being used.
If you then close/quit that app, consumer will report that 0 MB extra
memory is now being used.

MB and K Buttons

- Megabytes - is the default button, which converts all consumer data into
whole megabytes.

- K - means that smaller amounts of memory usage will be converted down to
Kilobytes. Large amounts of memory will still remain as MBs.

You can freely toggle between MB and K at any time in manual mode, but you
have to stop the auto logger first if you have that selected.

Poll Mode (user input box)

This is an auto log feature. The tool will auto log the memory usage of
your machine over a certain period. Zero turns the auto log off. Any other
whole number will cause a delay, for example:

0 = Manual Mode / Auto Logger OFF.
1 - Minimal Delay, twice per second
2 - Every second or so.
3 - Every 3 seconds or so.
4 - Every 4 seconds or so.
6 - Every 6 Seconds or so.
10 - Every 14 seconds or so.
12 - Every 25 seconds
15 - Every 45 seconds -2 secs
18 - Every 60 seconds -4 secs
60 - Every 10 mins, +1 sec.

LG (View Log) Button

Pressing this button will show the current log on the disk with Multiview.
(You can always rename ppmore or ED to Multiview, if you prefer those).



1. When I remove an app from memory, consumer does not report this as a
minus number and just says Zero.
- This is NOT a bug. If you want to use the tool both ways, zeroise the
IgnoreWB mode before you load up an app. Click Start. Now zeroise IgnoreWB
again, remove the app, and click start. The 'Ignore' mode only shows memory
usage based on a fixed base value, not memory loaded and unloaded.

2. I set the poll timer to 30 for logging every 5mins, but now the tool
wont stop!
- The tool Will stop, eventually, although you'll have to wait another
5mins for it to stop, because it only stops just before the next text log
is about to be triggered.

3. When I click 'stop', the last reading is lost.
- Yeah, I was too lazy to fix that. Hopefully you will only click Stop
after you have enough data.

Update Log:

V0.1 - V0.2 (Feb 26th 2024) Initial Demo.

V0.3 - V0.8 (Mar 4th 2024) Development progress.

V0.9 - V0.9c (Mar 5th 2024) Added View Log button.

V1.0 - (Mar 6th 2024) Created package for release.

V1.0b - (June 25th 2024) Fixed a bug which merged the old log with the
newly created log.


- How do I reset the results on the screen?
There is no option to do this, but if you put the tool into manual mode/
zero poll, you can click Start a few times until the log reaches the bottom
of the screen, and then the screen should automatically clear and reset.
Clearing the screen on the display log has no effect on the S:ConsumerLog
file. The only way to reset the Consumer Log file is to close down and then
reload the Consumer tool.

- How do I zeroize and ignore WB memory after I made a few false starts?
Click Ignore WB, then Start.

- My memory usage is so small it shows 0 K used?
Any insignificant memory is ignored. Anything less than 1K is considered so
small, even a VIC-20 can run it. This is an Amiga!

- I have 1 Gig of Chip ram and 10 GB of fast ram, why does your tool not
I havent optimised it for high memory machines. I think the highest chip is
9.9MB, and highest fast is 999.9MB.

- Why are my apps using all my chip memory?
On the Workbench 1.3 disk in the system drawer, there is a tool called
FastMemFirst. Running this as the first line of your startup-sequence can
significantly decrease chip ram usage.

- My app (or game) closes down WB, and when I quit the game, your tool
seems to miss a chunk of data?
The tool relies on Workbench to get the time from the system, otherwise, if
you close WB, the tool probably wont work.

- Why does the tool always default to the same place on screen each time?
Can I change this position?
No, I chose something next to the side of the screen, leaving enough clear
area around it to select icons. You can move the panel by dragging the top
drag bar, and then just do your tasks from there.

- I had a full page of results, but then clicked again and lost them all!
Click the LG button to see the full log. Or load up S:-ConsumerLog.txt in
any text viewer or editor, while Consumer is still running, or after you
close it down. This gives a full log of your session. As long as you dont
re-load Consumer from scratch, your data should be safe. Perhaps backup or
rename the disk log, if you want to keep a copy of it.

- Do I HAVE to click STOP every TIME??
No. You only need to click Stop if you are in auto polling mode and you
want to close the tool down. After the auto-poll stops, you can reconfigure
the tool or close it.

- Your tool is dumb. I could do better!
I've included the CanDo source in case anyone is keen to customise it;
perhaps tailor it to their own 8/16 colour WB environment, and give it some
more buttons?

Contents of util/moni/Consumer.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                  632    2657  23.8% -lh5- c25d Mar  5  1980 Consumer/
[unknown]                 3701   11492  32.2% -lh5- 7f80 Jun 25 18:59 Consumer/COMMAND/C/Consumer
[unknown]                   30     264  11.4% -lh5- 6b1d Apr  8  1980 Consumer/COMMAND/Fonts/Little.font
[unknown]                  368     652  56.4% -lh5- f63e Feb  7  1995 Consumer/COMMAND/Fonts/Little/5
[unknown]               117333  193684  60.6% -lh5- d6f8 Jan 18  1995 Consumer/COMMAND/libs/cando.library
[unknown]                  632    2657  23.8% -lh5- c25d Mar  5  1980 Consumer/
[unknown]                  629    2657  23.7% -lh5- 8315 Jun 25 18:57 Consumer/RUNTIME/
[unknown]               102565  176464  58.1% -lh5- b6b1 Jun 25 19:01 Consumer/RUNTIME/Consumer/Consumer
[unknown]                  189     302  62.6% -lh5- 8162 Jun 25 19:01 Consumer/RUNTIME/Consumer/Consumer.iinfo
[unknown]                  223     407  54.8% -lh5- bdcf Mar  5  1980 Consumer/RUNTIME/Consumer/
[unknown]                   30     264  11.4% -lh5- 6b1d Apr  8  1980 Consumer/RUNTIME/Consumer/Fonts/Little.font
[unknown]                  368     652  56.4% -lh5- f63e Feb  7  1995 Consumer/RUNTIME/Consumer/Fonts/Little/5
[unknown]                  628    2657  23.6% -lh5- b319 Mar  5  1980
[unknown]                   90      98  91.8% -lh5- b17a Mar  5  1980 Consumer/RUNTIME/Consumer/ConsumerV1.0
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        14 files  227418  394907  57.6%            Jul 15 15:39

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