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Acid Module by Black Devil of da Chaos Bros.
9% {--------------} - Acid Module !
Jo, da ist doch tatsächlich noch einer, der keinen Zugang zum
Netz hat - und läd` seine Mods trotzdem hoch...hehe...demnach
habe ich dem Uwe Härtel, meinem Uploader, chaosmäßig zu danken (!!!)
und grüße ihn sowie meinen Chaosbruder Dr. Avalanche... .. .
- Chaos Bros. is a new group built up by two totally drunken guys, Black
Devil and Dr.Avalanche, at New Year 95/96.
- It`s a pure fun group, the only members are Black Devil and Dr.Avalanche,
and NO one else!!!
- The Technodome project by Dr.Avalanche isn`t any longer a Honoo pro-
duction. Through the reason that many members left Honoo to join In-
tense it`s now an >Intense< Production. (Thanx to Hysteric for his
great management)
- Technodome supporters up to now are: Raivokoirrah/Jormas (SF)
Orlingo/Effect (NL)
Substance/Embassy (SF)
The Hooligan/Fanatic (SF)
Weirdo/Innocence (SF)
Black Devil/Chaos Bros. (D)
CAP/Supplex (D)
( )
...tjo, das war`s auch schon........oOo(°°)oOo Blåçk Dev¡l/ChåøsBrøs!
Contents of mods/techn/09Percent.lha PERMSSN UID GID PACKED SIZE RATIO CRC STAMP NAME
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 13847 29878 46.3% -lh5- be25 Jun 16 1996 -->ChaosSauferei270596.txt
[generic] 583 1170 49.8% -lh5- 8530 Jun 16 1996 Chaos_Bros_ADVERT_64X25
[generic] 96895 172618 56.1% -lh5- f3a5 Jun 16 1996 mod.9 {--------------}
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 111325 203666 54.7% Jun 18 1996
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